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Repeated Intrastromal Injections of Voriconazole in Combination with Corneal Debridement for Recalcitrant Fungal Keratitis – a Case Series


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Repeated Intrastromal Injections of Voriconazole in Combination with Corneal Debridement for Recalcitrant Fungal Keratitis – a Case Series


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Background: To report the use of intrastromal voriconazole injections combined with corneal debridement to treat deep recalcitrant fungal keratitis.
History and signs: Three patients (2 female and 1 male) with culture proven fungal keratitis (1 Fusarium, 1 Candida, 1 Pseudallescheria boydii) were included in this study. The patients were treated with repeated intrastromal voriconazole (100 mg/1 ml) in combination with corneal debridement.
Therapy and outcome: The mean age of the patients was 65 years. The mean number of injections was 5. The patients were injected every 2-3 days. This technique required repeated corneal debridement to achieve complete resolution in these three cases.
Conclusions: Repeated intrastromal injection of voriconazole in combination with corneal debridement appears to be an effective and safe way to treat recalcitrant fungal keratitis, even in Fusarium keratitis.


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